Sage literally saved my life.

Just when I was at the darkest point in my life, Sage Lourdes picked me and up and literally transformed my entire being. I honestly don’t know where I would be without her. Her work is unlike any I’ve ever seen before. She works in and through your body, healing you on every level. I have been through ultimate hell in my life. I almost died many times and I have a lot of post-traumatic stress because of it. I’ve also recently been through a nasty divorce and dipped into a deep depression. Sage gave me tools to overcome the trauma in my life and helped me see through the pain of everyday living. Not only have we had amazing sessions as mentor and client, but she has become one of my closest friends. Sage literally saved my life.


I’ll be eternally grateful for her and all of her guidance and support


I would run, not walk for Sage’s healing treatments.